Understand your pension

As a government employee, you have the right to an occupational pension, to a sickness pension; if you have a long-term illness, and money for your family in the event of your death. Your occupational pension is an important part of your pension.

Higher salary gives you more occupational pension

The size of your occupational pension depends on different factors such as how much you earn while in state employment. When you start working also plays a role in how much occupational pension you earn over your working life.

Your occupational pension is also affected by various life events and the choices you make

Your occupational pension looks different depending on when you were born

The occupational pension varies depending on which year you were born. In general, you belong to Section 2 in the PA 16 occupational pensions agreement if you were born before 1988. If you were born in 1988 or later, you belong to Section 1 in PA 16.

Your occupational pension is covered by collective agreement

Occupational pensions are an important supplement to the general pension. The occupational pension agreement for those of you working for the State has been negotiated by the union organizations in the State branch (OFR/S,P,O; Saco-S; SEKO) together with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers.

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